OpenZDM project KOM
MSI Grupo2024-11-09T17:32:18+02:00openZDM project launched 🚀
An open platform for realising zero defect in cyber-physical manufacturing, which aims to provide support to production networks zero-defect processes through 5 pilots.
Our colleagues Gorka Urchegui and Urtzi Mata have been in Brussels during the KOM.
MSI will provide an open platform to support the Glass Use Case production networks’ zero-defect processes, bringing together existing R&D solutions and creating an innovative state-of-the-art integrated solution.
Looking forward to work together with the consortium!
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 101058673. This material reflects only the views of the Consortium, and the EC cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information in it.